Weston A. Price Movie


Diet and Health

"Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A Price, DDS. This book by Dr. Price details his search to discover what isolated cultures were doing to prevent dental cavities and maintain robust health. He then used this knowledge to reduce and reverse dental cavities for patients at his Cleveland clinic. A fascinating read.

Weston A Price Foundation Website dedicated to education about traditional diets of healthy cultures, proper food preparation techniques and the scientific justification of these dietary guidelines. Extremely interesting and informative.

Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation®, originally known as the Weston A. Price Memorial Foundation, is a non-profit education foundation committed to reversing the trend of declining health in our modern world. We teach both the public and health professionals the proven principles from nutrition pioneers Weston A. PriceFrancis M. Pottenger, Jr., and other leading health experts.

"Cure Tooth Decay" by Ramiel Nagel. "When my daughter's teeth started to decay I felt helpless against this seemingly unstoppable force. Once my family discovered a program that worked, I felt compelled to bring this knowledge out into the world. To me I felt like I would be making a grave error if I did not do my best to share what really works for stopping tooth decay. Now after five years of research and trial and error, I can bring you highly effective, yet simple methods to stop tooth decay quickly."

Raw Milk Secret lecture by Marc McAfee, Price-Pottenger Foundation.

The War on Raw Milk presents some interesting stats on food borne illness.

Politics and Influence

Money makes the world go round and influences legislation, the greater good for the people takes a backseat. 

Fluoridation: Follow the Money, by Carol S. Kopf, BS, MA

Animal Health

Dr. William Albrecht "Soil Fertility and Animal Health"


Allan Savory talk "How to Green the World's Deserts and Reverse Climate Change."  A most fascinating and timely talk about using planned grazing to save our soils, sequester carbon and feed people. 

Bionutrient Food Association website. An educational organization dedicated to teaching growers how to produce the most nutritious foods with natural pest resistance.

Humus: Essential Ingredient a lecture by Graeme Sait, a soil expert from Australia

"Soil Micronutients and Your Health" by Rodney Hornbake, MD FACP, given to the Bionutrient Rich Food Production Workshop held at Whitegate Farm on February 19, 2012. For this talk, Dr. Hornbake has carefully sorted and sifted through the available medical and nutritional research, and he concludes that soil health determines humand health, agreeing with the basic proposition of the course - that soil and life in the soil determine the health of plants and animals, and that in turn determines human health and the health of our communities. [Webpage Source: Bionutrient Food Association]

In Defense of William Albrecht mineral balancing by Graeme Sait of Nutrition Matters. www.nutri-tech.com.au

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